Art inspired by

ancestral magick

Fine Art | Dailė

Witchy Renaissance meets Y2K.

As a Deaf and Queer woman raised in post-Soviet Lithuania and coming of age in America, I engage with the world from a position that transcends multiple cultural binaries. My fine artwork is informed by folktales, mythology, historic pagan sites in my homeland Lithuania, and my experiences navigating an able-bodied, xenophobic, and patriarchal society. It seeks to challenge assumptions about culture, gender, feminism, spirituality, and the Deaf experience.

Through my recent American Sign Language education in Seattle, I became deeply connected to the Deaf community, inspiring my latest body of work expressing my Deaf experience as a person with sensorineural hearing loss.

My fine artwork is whimsically representational, employing vibrant colors and intuitive patterns. The dreamlike paintings intend to take the viewer on spiritual journeys into the unknown, inviting them to return to the ultimate path: the journey into ourselves.

As a painter, I feel an innate need to express myself through art. Painting is a healing and inspiring process that connects me with my soul and my inner parts. The process of creating allows me to delve into the depths of my humanity and our collective experience.


Abstract Paintings

Cost: $9/linear inch + cost of materials

Production Duration: 2-4 weeks (depending on canvas size, materials, and complexity of concept)

Portrait Paintings

Includes human and pet subjects.

Acrylic Painting Cost: $12/linear inch + cost of materials

Digital Painting Cost: $150/subject, $250/two subjects, contact for price for multiple subjects

Production Duration: 2-8 weeks (depending on canvas size, materials, and complexity of concept)